What Is Low Dose Naltrexone And Where Do You Get It?
Have you heard of low dose naltrexone? Naltrexone itself is a common drug given to detox people from heroin and other opiods. In its usual dose, it is typically prescribed as 50 milligram tablets. However, the drug has recently been in the news for its usefulness in smaller amounts. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence showing that low dose naltrexone, given in 4.5 milligram doses, can be very effective in combating autoimmune diseases by modifying the immune system and restoring it to its normal function. Plenty of holistic doctors are prescribing it, and even some mainstream doctors are getting on board. Here's how it works and where you can get it.
1. Low Dose Naltrexone Binds to Opiod Receptors in the Brain
According to LDNScience.org, the main way low dose naltrexone works is to bind to opioid receptors in the brain and displace the endorphins stored there. This is a temporary effect, and only lasts a few hours in most cases.
When the effect is over, the body experiences a rebound in which opioid growth factor hormones (OGF) are stimulated in the body. This elevates the level of endorphins in the body, and they, in turn, regulate the proper functioning of the immune system.
People who have used low dose naltrexone have reported significant relief from autoimmune disorders of all kinds. While most of the studies on its effects have been done on patients with multiple sclerosis, there are reports of it being beneficial for most autoimmune disorders, and even a few non-autoimmune disorders.
Some doctors in Ireland are even experimenting with low dose naltrexone now to help women get pregnant who have immune system issues that would otherwise affect their developing embryos, and these doctors are reporting great success.
2. Where Do You Get Low Dose Naltrexone?
First, you need to find a doctor who is familiar with it and willing to prescribe it, as it is available by prescription only. At the very least, you should find a doctor who is willing to experiment with it, even if he or she has not prescribed it before. Bring literature with you regarding the benefits of low dose naltrexone when you go to your appointment and explain that you want to try the drug and why you believe it might be helpful to you.
Once it's prescribed, you will need to get it from a compounding pharmacy. This is because naltrexone usually only comes in 50 milligram tablets. A compounding pharmacy, such as Potter's House Apothecary, Inc, mixes up custom combinations or dosages of drugs for its customers. The pharmacy will need to order the drug, then grind it into a powder and put the powder into 4.5 milligram capsules for you for you to get the low dose you need.
Most communities have at least one compounding pharmacy. If yours does not, look online for one that will fill prescriptions by mail order. They are located all across the country and even around the world, so it should be pretty easy for you to find one. Some doctors who prescribe low dose naltrexone even have compounding pharmacies they work with and recommend to their patients to use.
Low dose naltrexone is no longer a patented drug, so there is little incentive for drug companies to do studies on its effectiveness. Without the patent, there is no money in it for them. However, there is a wealth of anecdotal evidence of its benefits, and many doctors who believe in its worth as a treatment for autoimmune disorders.
If you are looking for a new way to treat autoimmune disorders that does not have any significant side effects and is considered perfectly safe, consider asking your doctor about trying low dose naltrexone.