Three Types Of Correctional Healthcare: Which One Do You Need?

Correctional healthcare refers to anything you want corrected with the help of healthcare professionals. This is a wide scope of services, encompassing three different types of correctional care. When you want to know more about what each of these types of services may cost you based on the healthcare insurance and coverage you have, you can defer to correctional healthcare consulting. As for the following, it provides an insightful look at the three different types of correctional care. 

Correcting Functional and Physical Abnormalities or Deformations

Not everyone is born with all their body parts fully formed and fully functioning. Some people have a club foot, while others might have a cleft palate and/or deviated septum that makes it impossible to eat or breathe. These types of physical abnormalities and functional issues need to be corrected if the person affected is going to lead a fairly normal life. When these issues are present at birth, most insurance companies will pay to have them corrected up to the point that the child turns eighteen. If you still have these issues as an adult, it may be considered cosmetic, and only the fine print in your health insurance will say whether or not you can have surgery to correct these physical problems and deformities. 

Correcting Psychological and Behavioral Issues

Adults and children with psychological and behavioral issues need help correcting their issues, often with cognitive behavioral therapy and possibly medication. Correction of this sort is also covered by most health insurance plans, but sometimes referrals are needed. More intense help for extreme behavior requires inpatient support, sometimes in the form of care in a juvenile detention center or youth correctional facility (which may or may not be covered by your insurance). 

Cosmetic Corrections

Lastly, correcting what you perceive to be physical deformities that do not impact your mobility, ability to work and do daily activities, and do not affect your breathing or organ function are strictly cosmetic. These corrections require medical procedures and post-procedure healthcare, all of which are paid for out of your own pocket. If you are intent on any plastic surgery that is not medically necessary to correct physical flaws, you will need to pursue it on your own dime. The only time these corrective procedures are covered in any way by healthcare plans is when something goes very wrong with the procedure and additional medical care is necessary to save your life.
