Schedule a Physical Therapy Appointment for Your Children if They Have These Issues

While you might visit a physical therapist to get help for a variety of physical issues, it's also worthwhile to evaluate whether your therapist can help your children. Many physical therapy clinics have practitioners who specialize in treating children. These experts not only have additional training in dealing with issues that are common among children, but also have a gentle and friendly demeanor that can make the entire visit easier for your kids.

Here are some reasons that you may wish to make a physical therapy appointment for your children.

Your Child Is Experiencing Slow Physical Development

If your young child's peers are significantly ahead of him or her in terms of physical development, it may be time to see a physical therapist. For example, if your child is struggling to crawl, stand, walk, or perform other simple feats when other children his or her age are completing these tasks, a physical therapist can often identify the reason. While you might also wish to schedule an appointment with your family doctor, the physical therapist is a valuable resource.

Your Child Has Balance Issues

As they learn to walk and run, children will often struggle with balance. For example, you may notice that your child frequently trips or stumbles while he or she navigates the house or backyard. If you're concerned about the amount of time that your child spends on the ground, rather than successfully walking or running, it's time to see a physical therapist who specializes in care for children.

The therapist may observe your child playing in a room designed for children, which can provide clues as to why his or her balance may be lacking. For example, if there's a restriction on one side of the child's body, balance may be a challenge.

Your Child Is Recovering from an Injury 

If your child has been injured—they off a play structure at the park or sustained a sports injury for example—then it's a good idea to see a physical therapist. The therapist will assess your child's body to determine what extent the injury may have played.

For example, a fall may severely jar a child's back, and this could leave the child at risk of chronic back pain as they get older. By identifying this problem, the physical therapist will then be able to use a variety of methods of treatment to correct the issue so it doesn't bother the child in the future.
